Liebster Award: double nomination! =O

Hello, everyone! Some days ago, I was nominated for the Liebster Award twice! I’d like to thank so so sooo much to my lovely friend Ellen, from Eveningreads, and to sweet Shannon, from For The Love of Words, for the nomination! You are amazing!!

lbaAnd here’s the rules for the award:

liebster-award-rules-iThanks again, girls! Let’s go to the answers:

Eveningreads’ questions:

  1. Do you have a favorite Harry Potter book? If yes, which and why?

Yes! I love The Goblet of Fire. All of it. The year, the quests, Voldemort’s trial to kill Harry… Really, this is my favorite book of the series all time, haha!

  1. What is your current read and how is it?

I’m currently reading a book called Shattered Blue, from Laura Bird Horowitz, that I received through Net Galley in exchange for an honest review. I just start reading chapter 1, I think it’s not fair to say anything good or bad yet, haha!

  1. Your top 5 TBR?
  • Sigmund Shaw: A Steampunk Adventure, by Mark C. King
  • Vexed by a Viscount, by Erin Knightley
  • What Lies Within, by James Morris
  • Secrets and High Spirits, by Lou Harper
  • Cemetery Tours, by Jacqueline E. Smith
  1. Top 5 favorite characters of all time?
  • Damon Salvatore, from The Vampire Diaries
  • Sherlock Holmes
  • Addie Hayes, from Chasing Rainbows
  • Mr. Darcy, from Pride & Prejudice
  • Snape, from Harry Potter
  1. Can you read and listen to music or are you the silent reader?

I really like to read while listening to music, but I read well in silence too – I prefer to have some kind of background noise, especially during afternoons, because I usually get sleepy, no matter what I’m reading, haha!

6.Which standalone/series do you wish had just one more book?

Omg, there’s so many! But I will go with The Tutor, from Bonnie Dee (review here!). It’s a standalone book and I really wished to see how the characters went with their lives after so many things, haha!

  1. What is your go-to book?

Right now, it’s Chasing Rainbows (review here!), by Linda Oaks. It was a life-changing book and I will re-read it many times, I’m sure!

  1. Who is your most owned author?

Just physical copies, I would say Emily Rodda (18 books). However, counting ebooks + paperbacks, I’d say Ava March, with 22 books.

  1. What is your favorite read of 2015 so far?

I CAN’T CHOOSE! This year, I’ve read some exceptional books, like the complete series of Percy Jackson and the Asylum series books, besides Austenland from Shannon Hale (review here!), Viscount’s Wager by Ava March (review here!), The Tutor from Bonnie Dee and Chasing Rainbows by Linda Oaks. I can’t choose one, sorry, haha!

  1. If you could visit one fictional place, where would it be and why?

The Middle Earth, from Lord of The Rings. I spent so many hours of my childhood pretending I was there that it would feel wrong to choose any other amazing place, haha!

  1. What’s the book you had to put down before you could go on with it?

The Host, by Stephanie Meyer. I really hated it, haha!

Now, For the Love of Words’ questions:

  1. Are you a morning person, or a night person?
    I’m definitely a night person, I do everything after dusk, haha!
  2. What’s your favorite color of food?
    Yellow or red/brown, because I love massa and meat, haha!
  3. Most read and reviewed genre?
    Romance, of all kinds: YA, Historical, Contemporary, Supernatural… Romance ❤
  4. Favorite pastime (besides reading)?
    Eating, what is very sad, haha! Third thing on my list is sleeping. I’m basically a cat that learned to read.
  5. What’s your dream city?
    A place in Brazil called Curitiba. I would give anything to live there 🙂
  6. Favorite Olympic sport to watch?
    I like masculine water sports and volley. I love Brazil’s volley team, both masculine and feminine, and love to see all those worked up guys on bath suits, haha! *blushes*
  7. Do you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert?
    I’m very extrovert, I talk to pretty much anyone and everything, like the walls.
  8. What’s your favorite television show?
    Hard one! I watch too many things and never finish one. I would say Vampire Diaries and Suits, as everything seems to be getting cancelled nowadays…
  9. What’s your dream job?
    Being paid to review books, because that’s pretty much what I do best 🙂
  10. Who’s your favorite artist? (can be either musical or fine arts)
    I love miss Britney Spears and a band named Epica. If I had to spend the rest of my days listening to only two musical figures, they would be my choice ❤
  11. How long have you had your blog, and what keeps you writing?
    My blog is a baby! I started it on Blogger in April and moved to WordPress on June, so this blog has only three months! I’m very selfish with my blog: what keeps me writing is my desire to do so. I always read a lot and I love talking about the books I read, but my offline friends couldn’t keep up with my passion, so I unleash it all here and on my bookstagram 🙂

Now, I’ll tell 22 random facts about me because I was nominated twice, it’s only fair 🙂

  1. My favorite flowers are gardenias and hydrangeas – the bluish purple ones especially
  2. I love sweets, especially my mom’s chocolate cake
  3. I mentally date at least one boy from every book I read ;D
  4. My Hogwarts house is Slytherin, according to Pottermore
  5. I love notebooks and I have to control myself to not buy every cute one that crosses my way, haha!
  6. I used to play with my books as a child, pretending they were dolls (and I had so many Barbies…)
  7. My favorite heroine is Wonder Woman ❤
  8. I like to collect movies and tv show seasons in DVD even with Netflix times
  9. I’m really small, Hobbit sized (1,54m = 5’05”)
  10. I have an issue with shoes. I own about 60 pairs and regret nothing, haha!
  11. I wanted to be an Italian opera singer when I was a child
  12. My favorite color is black ❤
  13. I’m too expressive; every time I feel something, you can see it in my face
  14. I’m often mistaken by a high school girl (and I’m 21 lol)
  15. I love to try new kinds of food, specially if it is junk food
  16. I own about 700 books and 800 mangas xD
  17. I can’t eat salad to save my life :/
  18. I graduate in Journalism school within 5 months and I’m freaking out, haha!
  19. My favorite male actors are Ian Somerhalder, Matt Bomer and Misha Collins ❤
  20. I love porcelain dolls and my favorite one plays The Swan Lake song (my friends always scream in terror when I touch it and the song plays for a bit, ugh *rolls eyes*)
  21. I have a big magnet collection of places around the world
  22. I love Disney and fairy tales ❤

Now my nominations! Sorry I didn’t got to 11, but I’m super new here 😦

The Ultimate Fangirl

The Amazing Life of a Bookworm

And, of course, the girls who nominated me! Shannon and Ellen, thanks! If you girls don’t want to do this again, as you already were nominated, you can pass, haha!

Here’s my questions for the nominated ones!

  1. How did you start to like reading?
  2. Do you prefer reading paperbacks/hardcovers or ebooks?
  3. If you were send to a desert island and could only bring a small non-Hermione bag, what would you put in it?
  4. Do you rate the books you read? If you do, what’s your criterion?
  5. What’s your most loved gender for books? And most hated?
  6. What’s you zodiac sign?
  7. Do you like to eat while reading? If you do, what’s your favorite food to go with a book?
  8. Do you like to read comics/mangas?
  9. If you could move to another country, which would you choose?
  10. Do you have any pets?
  11. In which Hogwarts house are you?

That’s it! Thanks again for the award, girls! Thank you for reading this long post and I hope you guys could get to know me better 😀


9 thoughts on “Liebster Award: double nomination! =O

  1. I love your answers! We seems to have a lot in common. I also tend to get mistaken for a high school student and I’ll be 24 next month. It’s a hard life, but I hear that it is also something to be happy about later in life. Also, eating is definitely one of my favorite pass-times. While I haven’t actually read the hobbit, I eat like one. I tend to snack throughout the day as opposed to 3 squares.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww, thank you! And I’m actually glad that I’m not the only one suffering with this, haha! My mom tells me that this used to happen to my dad until he was FREAKING 26! I hope it doesn’t last that much for us, haha! And you do look younger than 23 to 24, haha ❤ When is your birthday?? *–* Eating is one of the best things in life, haha! I do that too and just keep eating and reading xD


    • That’s so nice! You’re a Virgo, then! I love Virgo people! Some of my best friends are Virgo fellows ❤ I just turned 21 on august 12th, haha! ❤


    • It means you can’t enter the movies or order anything on the bar without your ID hahahaha! And you can’t go in the bank alone – they always tell me that a minor can’t solve things like that and I just point to my ID at their hands and say that I’m 21 xD It’s bothersome, but I get to share some laughs later, haha! And you’re welcome ❤ How did I do what? Hahah ❤

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