ECHO Campaign, from Taylor Brooke (Isolation #2)


Hello, there! Welcome to my review for the second book in the Isolation series, from Taylor Brooke: ECHO Campaign! I’ve received my copy from Xpresso Book Tours in exchange for na honest review. Thank you guys sooo much! The time is now ❤

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Brooklyn Harper’s worst nightmare has become her reality. She has been captured by Isolation…

Trapped in a white-walled labyrinth by Juneau Malloy, Brooklyn is faced with the horrors of Isolation’s finest training yet. The skills she learned as an Omen Operative in Camp Number Eleven are put to the test in the form of brutal assessments of her strength, skills, and fortitude. Confused and disheartened, Brooklyn and the group of renegade Omens prepare for whatever trials Isolation has in store for them.

Juneau has caged her once again, but Brooklyn is far from broken…

When Brooklyn finds out her best friend Gabriel is alive, she goes on a violent rampage in search of her, but instead earns herself a stint in solitary confinement. Juneau attempts to tame Brooklyn through grueling exercises before offering her one radical choice. Brooklyn must hand over her freedom in order to spare her friends. She’ll become a showpiece Juneau will auction off to the highest bidder for her skills in assassination, defense, and combat.

There must be a way out, and the renegade Omens have to find it…

Brooklyn has no intention of becoming Juneau’s latest achievement. During a mind-warping training simulation, Brooklyn uncovers Isolation’s greatest secret and their darkest mistake. Juneau Malloy has created something far more sinister than the Omens, and it’s ready to eat the world alive.

As the battle with Isolation intensifies, Brooklyn is faced with her most dangerous choice yet…

Save her friends—or save humanity.

Me after finishing the book:


You can read here my review for the first book in the Isolation series, Omen Operation!


Just remembering that those were my impressions and opinion as a reader =)

ECHO Campaign doesn’t beat around the bush. From page one, we are thrown into a swirl of action and dangers along our heroine, Brooklyn. It was a delightful action read, but it dragged on for me in several parts, especially when the romance blossomed. I didn’t quite dived into the series looking for it, so it felt a bit out of place, you know? I mean, the book is nice, but I didn’t feel the crazy pull from the first to know how it ended… Somewhere along the way, I stopped caring about what happened to whom and this was very sad. I don’t regret picking this book up, but I don’t see myself reading the next either… So, three stars for the good action/thriller-ish packed read ❤


The narrative follows Brooklyn’s point of view in third person style, which highly contributed for my persistence at keep reading the series. Brooke’s writing style is simple to follow, but also didn’t grab my attention with anything new. As I didn’t much care for the plot or the characters, I’ll just focus on the strongest point of this book: the action.

Brooklyn was SO BADASS in this book! Seriously, you guys have no idea. I’m taking Muay Thai classes at the gym right now, so I was thrilled to read about Brooklyn’s fighting style – not exactly Muay Thai, but all kinds of fight end up in the same fashion, trust me. I can’t wait to be a little more experienced to ask my teacher to teach me some of those awesome moves ❤

children taking fight classes.gif
Me and my friend in class nowadays


Also, it’s always nice to read about a strong female character in YA – God knows how much we need more of those! Brooklyn is 21 at the beginning of the book and I could see a lot of myself in her. You know, when she thought with her head and not with her heart.

quite literally.



I loved this cover! It’s a huge improvement from book one’s cover and it pictures perfectly the atmosphere for the book. Brooklyn is trapped inside the enemy’s facility, so the white in the background makes perfect sense. Also, it was a genius move to use lime green and yellow shades on the words, both on the title and on the author’s name, as both colors are really related to Sci-Fi, haha! I also loved the fact that the model wasn’t over photoshoped: she still looks real, you know? Seriously, this cover puched all the right buttons with me ❤

If you like action, diverse characters and conspiracy theories, sit on a comfortable spot and read on this baby!




Thank you so much for reading! Also, thanks to Xpresso Book Tours for my review copy once again ❤ Bellow, you can find more info about the book, the author, purchasing links and an awesome giveaway =)


ECHO Campaign

by Taylor Brooke

Isolation #2

Published by: Limitless Publishing

Publication date: November 1st, 2016

Genre: YA Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic


ECHO Campaign is available in both ebook and paperback formats =)

Amazon | Barnes & Noble


Taylor Brooke is the author of the sci-fi adventure trilogy The Isolation Series. She started out as a freelance makeup artist, and quickly discovered her love of elves, zombies, mermaids, kaiju, and monsters of all kinds. After receiving eight professional certifications in special effects makeup, working on countless projects, and fleshing out a multitude of fantastical creatures, she turned her imagination back to her one true love — books. Taylor has had a knack for writing since she was a little girl, and received recognition for her skills throughout grade school and junior college. When she’s not nestled in a blanket typing away on her laptop, she can be found haunting the local bookstore with a cup of steaming hot tea in her hands, scanning the shelves for new reads, or hiking one of the many mountains that surround her home in Oregon.

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With love,


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