The Infinity Dreams Award – the second!

Hello 🙂 It’s me again, late as usual, but with a tag! HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN SINCE THE LAST ONE?! (please don’t answer that, haha!)

Anyway, one of my best online friends, the amazing Jess from the Mud and Stars, tagged me on The Infinity Dreams Award! If you never heard about her blog, you totally don’t read mine should give her a go, I’m sure you’ll love her as much as I do! Thanks for the nomination, my dear! 😀 ❤



  • Thank and link the blog that nominated you
  • Tell us 11 facts about yourself
  • Answer the questions that were set for you to answer
  • Nominate 11 bloggers and set questions for them

My 11 facts

 1) I’m addicted to Diet Coke and sometimes it increases highly the intensity of my fangirlings and my capacity of shipping pretty much anyone anywhere. Example? Okay. There was I watching Madagascar 3, on my third can of Diet Coke, when the following thought crosses my mind: “oh my, Alex and Vitale would make an awesome couple with all the angst and sexiness about them!”


Seriously. At that moment, I knew it was too late.

 2) I’m a social butterfly in my offline life and an introvert on the online life. I know, it makes no sense at all, but I never seem to know what to type or who to talk to on internet. Example? Sure, sure. Goodreads’ book clubs. I’ve been to three and don’t remember saying a word to any of them despite actively following their discussions. Should I say something? When? Spoilers allowed? Am I supposed to read the book they chose now or can I do it anytime?

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I just don’t know what I’m doing.

 3) I love to start collections. Since I’m a child, I’ve been collecting the most weird stuff and some other cool ones. Sometimes I cool off about a collection just to dive back in some months later. I know, I know: examples. Well, I collect stationary stuff, notebooks, bookmarks, Pokémon cards, thematic magnets of cities, states and countries, perfumes, sea shells, rings… My most new and unfortunately lacking collection is my Funko collection. I only own three: Snape, Jessica Rabbit and Lilo. I have another one coming in that I won today (literally this morning, haha!), but I wished I could afford many more.

recebidos do sorteio do italo march 2016
those are my baby funkos so far 🙂

 4) I’ve been a Slytherin since I’m 7 and I really wished Draco Malfoy had a true friend.

Britney Spears Teen Choice Awards 2015 be fearless in your choices and dont be afraid to be yourself.gif

 5) I feel I’m running out of things to say and we are only in the middle of this list.

dog hiding with blanket in cage.gif

 6) I have such a fondness for lgbt love in general because I feel this is the last true social barrier for a relationship to actually work. If I’m reading contemporary romances and it is all about the couple getting together with some insecurity drama to it, I just don’t feel like reading it. I don’t see a valid problem, you know? But a lgbt couple has yet to deal with a lot of shit from society – from their own homes, in many occasions. That’s why I pin harder for them 🙂

 7) This last month, I’ve been obsessed with a song by Blake Lewis, called I Want You. If I could hear merman sing, I bet it would sound as beautiful and alluring as that song. I’ve actually danced while walking in the middle of the street several times when it came on my iPod. My neighborhood must think I’m on drugs or something, haha!

 8) I hate clothes shopping, but never take me along to buy shoes. I’ll end up taking the whole store if I can. And then I’m stuck with good things to wear only on my feet. It’s not unusual to see me in outfits 7 or 8 years old and a brand shinning pair of shoes along them.

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from my personal Instagram 🙂 (@annebollmann616)

 9) I love big nails. I used to be a heavy bitter until elementary school, but I had this offline best friend (hi, Hachi!) that wore her nails longer even as a child. I thought it was so beautiful and awesome that I put on my head that I wanted to have beautiful nails too, with or without anxiety attacks. I don’t know how, but somewhere along the way until high school, I stopped biting my nails and started doing them myself. Now I’m the queen of the big nails and share Hachi’s throne ❤

f hits nails
this is my regular nail size nowadays 🙂

 10) Sometimes, I pretend that I can stick every character that I really like in a book inside Hogwarts. As I read, I imagine which House the character would go into, who would be their friends and all. And, of course, there aren’t only Harry Potter characters in Hogwarts at my head. Every character that I like and can remember is there to welcome the new comer. I’m such a loser sometimes hahahaha!

 11) The Book Adventures of Annelise Lestrange will reach its first year of life next month! I am so excited *–*

Jess’ Questions

1) Which fictional character is most like you?

That’s a hard question, haha! But searching my read books shef at Goodreads brain, I’d say that the character that hit the closest to my own personality and problems was Isis Blake, from Love Me Never – review here! I was so stunned with her that I actually teared up a bit at random times. She was so me, in both good and bad. I wish she could just pop out of the pages and become the twin sister that I’ve ever wanted, haha!

love me never

2) Which books have made you cry?

I did a list with ten on my last Top 10 Tuesday, haha! You can read about those books here 🙂 (Which I know you already did, Jess <3)

 3) Has a book ever filled you with rage?

Oooh, many times. I’m the type that talks with the book as I read, so I naturally rage at them too when needed, haha!

4) Who is your favourite fictional couple?

Oh, dear. PLEASE DON’T MAKE ME CHOOSE AMONG MY CHILDREN LOL I’m kidding. If I was forced to stick with a single fictional couple forever, I’d choose Max and Tristan from All In With The Duke. I lost count on how many times I’ve read this book since it came out, haha!

all in with the duke

5) Has there been a book which has genuinely scared you?

Yes, a couple of times. But the one that messed me up the most and wouldn’t allow me to sleep after reading was The Vanishing Game. It was surreal and not scary at all, but it disturbed me in a fashion that I was left paranoid for over a week after finishing it. THAT was scary, haha! But really spooked, I think it was A Stranger in the Mirror, by Sydney Sheldon. The book is a suspense drama or something, but seeing the castle of cards falling in the end spooked me on a personal level. Hm, I feel I wasn’t helpful at all on this answer, sorry!

6) Favourite fictional animal/fantastical creature?

Hmm, another hard one. I’m not really a sucker for magical pets – I like the regular ones like dogs and cats, haha! But I do like unicorns and dragons. Unicorns have been my thing since I was a child, but dragons were creatures that I learned to appreciate with Hachiyumi. She loves them to the core and I can’t help but to find them fascinating through her eyes 🙂

7) Favourite fantasy world?

Harry Potter’s, of course! How can anyone not love Hogwarts?!

8) Which book completely exceeded your expectations?

The last one was Kiss Kill Love Him Still. I so didn’t expect to be as hooked as I was! =O and now I’m crazily reading the sequel BECAUSE I NEED TO KNOW WHO KILLED JACKSON! No times for reviews yet, but they will be here soon enough, haha!

9) Are there any books you’ve disliked from an author you usually love?

All the time, unfortunately. Some examples are:

  • Meg Cabot: I only like her books when she goes paranormal, but then I REALLY LOVE THEM;
  • Anne Rice: I loved Interview With The Vampire and related books, but hated The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty;
  • Stephenie Meyer: loved Twilight 1, hated all the other books in the series and The Host;
  • Kiera Cass: loved The Selection trilogy and have really strong hate feelings towards The Heir.

 10) What’s your favourite book in a genre you don’t normally read?

Another hard one, I kind of read almost anything, haha! But okay, I usually hate self-help books, but I love The Blue Day Book! It has the most adorable animal pictures on it and it took me years to realize that it was indeed a self-help book, haha! Especially with Brazilian’s translated title, that hardly announces the book as such.

11) If you had another blog, what would you write about it instead of books?

I actually have another abandoned blog written in Brazilian Portuguese and it had all sorts of nerd things, haha! News, reflections upon life, reviews, fashion analysis… It was definitely nerd, haha!

That was a long run! I really don’t know who to tag right now – it’s 4:25AM and I really want to know who killed Jackson, so I’d like to everyone that never has been nominated before and/or people who would like to play along with The Infinity Dreams Award to speak up in the comments, please! Tomorrow I’ll be back with 11 questions and to edit this post and make nominations 🙂

Thanks for reading and I love you guys! Also, love you, Jess! ❤


6 thoughts on “The Infinity Dreams Award – the second!

  1. LOVE YOU TOOOO. Thanks for doing the tag 😀 I am so jealous you trained yourself to stop biting your nails – I really wish I could do that!! And I am even more jealous of your converse collection!! Also that song that you linked to is awesome, I’m definitely downloading it. I also need to check out these books that scared you, as I need more scary books in my life. And even if the first one isn’t that scary, I love surreal stuff and often find it creepier than proper ‘horror’ books. Awesome answers and facts! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, Jess!! .< It was really something out of the blue, haha! And thanks, I may have 14 converses on my closet, oops! I'm addicted D: AND I AM SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT! I swear, that's how I imagine a mermen song to be, haha! Yeah, none of them is actually on the horror shelf, but they scared me on personal level – if they don't scare you too, at least they will be awesome reads, I promise lol Thanks for tagging me in the first place! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      • You’re very welcome! Yes I totally know what you mean about the merman thing haha! I also downloaded two of his other songs that auto-played after the Youtube video. I really like what I’ve listened to of his stuff ❤ How did you discover the song? Aaaand that's cool, sometimes books which aren't technically horror end up being scarier than actual horror for random reasons. But I am always up for awesome books regardless 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • I discovered this song quite by accident, haha! I mean, at one point of the History of the World, this guy was a contestant of American Idol and I have this friend that purchases music like crazy, so she always tips me on the hot people of the US (she is American, after all, haha!). I knew him from way back and never gave him much thought, but she came screaming on my ear when he released the album that contains that song, saying that it was fantastic and I needed to listen. When I was slacking at doing so and she was left without anyone to fangirl with her about it, she purchased it for me and I fell in love, haha! But I only got to truly appreciate I Want You this last month. I was reading Emerge, by Tobi Easton, and listening to music and this song came on AND IT WAS SO PERFECT FOR THAT BOOK! Then I became a truly addicted to that song and to him by consequence LOL And I agree on the books deal, sometimes other genres can be scarier than horror per say, hahaha! ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      • Ahh that’s cool! I had no idea he was on American idol. I think I’m gonna get the whole album! Ooh what is Emerge about? I love it when a song perfectly fits a book 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yeah, I know some odd stuff about 2000’s music, haha! I really like this particular album, I think it would be a well spent music money, haha! ~what
        And Emerge is a PERFECTLY BEAUTIFUL MERMAID BOOK *—-* Can you feel the fangirling?!!! hahaha!

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