Top 10 Tuesday: Most Intimidating Books

Hello, there! Welcome to another rebellious Top 10 Tuesday, haha! This meme is hosted by The Broke and The Bookish and my theme today is Most Intimidating Books and I made a point to choose only titles that are on my TBR. It’s my way to make life interesting, haha!

  1. The Passage


Seriously, this is huge.

  1. Game of Thrones series


Big and tough.

  1. The Narnia Chronicles


I have the complete edition, it is heavy.

  1. Outlander series


Honestly, you can kill someone just by throwing one of those on the person.

  1. The Book of Love, by Kathleen McGowan


I read the first one when I was a teenie, so it took me AGES to finish it. Now I feel intimidated by the second volume, that is even bigger, haha!

  1. A Discovery of Witches


So. Freaking. Big. Can you tell that I have a problem with physically big books? Hahaha

  1. Grey


It is bigger than I expected and I feel lazy just by looking at it. Still want to read it, but oh God.

  1. The Supernatural series companion guide


This baby goes until Season 10 and it is beautiful, heavy and bulky. I can’t wait to read it, I can’t think of reading it. I’m a mess.

  1. The Lord of the Rings series


I also have the complete edition for this one and omg, how I regret it as a reader. As a collector, I find it beautiful and precious. I’ve read the first one last year and have been slacking around to keep going because THIS BOOK IS HUGE! Seriously, I’m the worst.

  1. The Longest Ride


Yes, you have read correctly. I don’t know what to expect from a Nicholas Sparks book, as I have never read any. Let’s see how this goes…

Anyway, thank you for reading! Do you find any of these titles intimidating as well? 😀


NEW BOOK ALERT + GIVEAWAY: Shearwater, from Derek Murphy!

Hi, there! I’m so proud and happy to announce that Derek Murphy is releasing Shearwater (Part One) today! ❤ ❤

from my Instagram 🙂

Goodreads blurb:

After her parent’s accident, Clara is shipped off to live with a grandfather she never knew, in a town she can’t pronounce. In Ireland, she soon discovers that her mother’s secret past is filled with tragedy. Trying to track down the truth, she begins going through changes of her own, until she’s not sure just who – or what – she is anymore.

Then she meets the mysterious Sebastian, who won’t leave her alone, and Ethan, who apparently can’t stand to be near her. Both of them seem to have supernatural powers, and she’s not quite sure whether they want to kill her or kiss her. Just when things are getting interesting, someone attacks her, and she gets a revelation that destroys everything she thought she knew about the world, humanity, and herself.

You can check my review here, but I wanted to make a special post for this because it is a huge deal! To celebrate this release, Derek arranged an ultra mermaid giveaway ❤ YES, YOU READ IT RIGHT!


You can check the giveaway here and see all the amazing prizes here. It’s easy and fun to enter, come along ❤

And there is more: Derek is such an awesome guy that he won’t be releasing the book just for personal profit. Here’s an excerpt from his blog about Shearwater’s launch:

I’m wrapping up Part One of my first novel Shearwater – an epic YA mermaid romance – and I want to do something fun and meaningful for my book launch: raise money for ocean conservancy and to protect marine wildlife.

During launch week, not only will all earnings be donated, but I’ll further donate $1 for every sale. My goal is to sell 1000 copies at 99cents each, which which will raise about $700 + a $1000 bonus.

After the first week, I’ll set the book for free. If I reach my stretch goal of 25,000 free downloads, I’ll donate another $1000.

Isn’t this AWESOME?! To share his amazing campaign, please click here. I swear it takes only a second!

Seriously, I’m so happy for and proud of Derek. He did a wonderful job and I can’t wait to see what’s going to happen in Clara’s life in the next part 😀

To get the book, just click here o/

That’s it, thanks for reading! Even if you don’t like Young Adult or Mermaids, please take a second to support Derek’s campaign 🙂


Spellbinder, from L. J. Smith (Night World #3)

Hello once again! To finish off my Night World volume one book, I’m presenting you with the review to Spellbinder, third book in the series of brilliant L. J. Smith!

from my Instgram – and, btw, this is my little Lady ❤

The Story

Thea and Blaise grew up like sisters, but the girls were different as day and night. While Thea was peaceful and an animal healer, Blaise was a first’class trouble maker and boys killer. Almost literally.

After being expelled five times from different schools, Thea is determinated to make Blaise behave and allow both of them to finish their studies. The problem is that Blaise is not cooperating and can’t wait to play with her new human toys, as she seems the non-magical people.

Things get worse when she targets Eric, the only boy that ever made Thea’s heart beat in a different rhythm. In order to protect Eric, Thea must pretend that she is interested in charming him and make him fall in love with her, just like Blaise would do. No harm done, no witch laws broke.

The only problem was that Thea had already fallen for him.


The Analysis

Just remembering that those were my impressions and opinion as a reader 🙂

I’m still flabbergasted that it took me so long to grab this series to read. It has been sitting on my TBR shelf for at least four years now, I’m so ashamed. AND IT IS SO DARN GOOD, OMG! I thought I wouldn’t enjoy this book as much as I did the others because I had hatted Blaise from her quick cameo from Secret Vampire, haha! But, as almost all of Smith’s villains, I fell in love with her spirit and wicked ways, oops! Another big 5 stars book

The narrative was third person type once again, but differently from the other two books, the only point of view we get is Thea’s. I like best when we can switch POVs, despite loving Thea with all my heart – something quite unusual for me, but I shall get there, haha! I would have loved to see a bit of the story through Blaise’s or Eric’s eyes, but I guess both would lose a little of their essential mysterious natures, haha! And Thea sees both characters as enigmatics, each on their own way, so I understand the decision of making this only about how Thea saw things. Still, one can dream, right? 😉


Anyway, to the plot we go. This is the most elaborated one in the series so far and I honestly didn’t know how things would end until they got there. I read 2/3 of the book in one night because of my state of anxiety over what could happen next, haha! I still don’t think that it was something out of this world and the first climax was quite obvious, but oh, I swear that the second made it up for everything! I was bouncing in my chair as I read, almost biting all my nails and pulling my hair, lol. It involved me and worked for me ❤

The characters were a blast. I dare say that character’s building is Smith’s speciallity, as she makes us to fall in love even with the most awful types! =O


It happened with Ash in both Secret Vampire and Daughters of Darkness, Kestrel in DoD, Blaise in Spellbinder, Damon Salvatore in The Vampire Diaries… OMG, woman! I already usually love the villains, no need to support my obssessions, haha! LOL

But as it went in Spellbinder, I was spechless when realized that I loved Thea, the sweet and naïve young adult protagonist of the story. I usually get bored with good girls, but she was so real and nice that I just felt like being her friend. Just like Blaise and Dani, Thea’s friend from the school and witch sister. My heart was tore, as I didn’t know if I cheered for Thea or Blaise to get what they wanted. I had never felt like this towards a protagonist and an antagonist: I always pick a side. I was a mess while reading, as the only thing that I knew for certain was that Eric made the cut for my infamous bookish boyfriend list, haha!

And there is Blaise. She was awesome, I wish I could grow up and be just like her, seriously. She’s fearless and wild, beautiful to the point of pain (literally if you are a boy, be prepared) and very mature despite her bad taste for plays and tricks. Besides, she can craft anything like no one in the world. I would have loved to see myself her jewelry ❤ And the most amazing thing in all of this is that her craft is a human ability – the itens that she made could have magic powers thanks to the pieces that she used, but the designs weren’t humanly impossible.

Then I think about my secret talents.


Now that you all know what I can do, let’s talk about Eric. At first, I thought him too sweet, too much. But them, as Thea (cof and us cof) realizes that he feels confortable around her to be himself, a self that he displays to no one else, it makes sense the sweetness and all things that a seventeen year old boy usually is not. The weird thing is that I feel like Thea, Blaise and Eric are more suited to college life than high school life, in a matter of scenarios, haha! I don’t know, I can’t imagine them so young. I guess it’s because of their maturity, which is not at all a bad thing 🙂

A point that I noticed in the Night World series is the lack of romantic interactions between characters despite their love for each other. In this matter, Secret Vampire was the book with more romantic scenes, in the sense of the flesh. And still, we had no sheets action (which is not necessary a bad thing). I guess I’m just amazed how Smith was able to create and maintein a fantastic book series without resourcing to sex to involve her readers. Even on a supernatural romantic focused series. She proves my point that you DON’T NEED SEX to tell a beautiful love story. Hell, you barely need a kiss, as it was the case with Daughters of Darkness. Astonishing! *—–*


Okay, sorry. Let’s go back, haha!

Overall, this is another perfect young adult book with a supernatural romance and witches. If you like at least one of these elements, you just need to read this book. No, I’m lying. YOU HAVE TO READ THIS SERIES BECAUSE IT IS PERFECT!


That’s it, haha! Thanks for reading and bearing with my fangirling, haha! Now I have the most dificult job ever: finding volumes 2 and 3 of Night World novels…


Please, wish me luck! I’m dying to keep reading ❤


Merry Christmas!

Hello, there! Merry Christmas to all of you that, like me, celebrate this beautiful date 😀 ❤ If you don’t, enjoy this beautiful Friday! I hope everyone is having a great time and a wonderful Holiday!

I’m sorry I’m only saying this now, but I’m at my relatives’ place and computer/blogging time is seriously compromised, oops! Haha!

I can’t complain about my Christmas Eve or party, it was awesome! The food, my Family reunited after so many months apart… I loved it! Even the secret friend thing that I was totally not okay with turned up to be tons of fun. I guess it wouldn’t hurt do it next year as well! 😀

I won lots of Christmas presents, but mainly clothes, not books. I was dressing like a homeless girl on my last dissertation months, so my mom gave me many new clothes to start 2016 looking good, haha! It was nice, but clothes are not books. Which brings us to my “official” Christmas present: a gift card for a local bookstore and season 7 of Supernatural, Limited Edition package!!! *—*

from my Instagram


I got to love my younger cousin!

(cof and the older one that kindly lend me his computer for this post cof)

Also, I’d like to make a small reflection here. Several people that I know in the off-line world condemn Christmas as a solemly capitalistic Holiday nowadays, but I disagree. I with the market does what it takes to sell their stuff; if you fall for them, it’s up to you. For me, Christmas is all about being with my family, with people that I love and that love me back. It’s all about sharing and giving. If you receive back, much the better. We gathered around our dinning table yesterday and no one was busy in their celphones (myself included), no one was worried with the outside world or in a hurry to leave. It was all about us being together in such a beautiful day. And I’d like to thank my parents for raising me like this, for having taught me how delicious it is to be with family as much as you can.

As I’m Brazilian, we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving. So, at Christmas time, I thank for all the good things I have in my life: my family, my friends (both off and online), my personal achivements through life, for my dissertation’s success and, of course, this blog and its beautiful readers! Thank you all!

That’s it, haha! Sorry if I sounded a bit cheesy, but come on, it’s Christmas! Who cares about that as long as it was sincere, right? ❤ Hope your day is being as lovely as mine!


#12daysofbooksmas2 readathon: RESULTS!

Hello, again! Happy Wednesday for you 🙂

So, the #12daysofbooksmas2 readathon came to an end yesterday and here I am to collect war spoils and bury the dead, haha!


I’d like to start this report saying that this was my first readathon in life, so I didn’t really knew what I was doing, LOL. As I had 10 days, I thought it would be nice to pick a book for each day (spoiler alert: no, it wasn’t). As those 10 days preceded Christmas and my family’s trip, I thought I had the eternity to read the books that I wanted (spoiler alert pt. 2: no, I hadn’t). And as we had to read a total of 1.200 pages, I was insanely worried that I would never be able to read so much in practically two weeks (spoiler alert pt. 3: I was, haha!).

Keeping all of these impressions on mind, add the information that I graduated in Journalism to the mix. You may reach the conclusion that I have no time space notion, that I can’t do math to see that 1.200 pages totalize approximately 5 books of 300 pages each and that I just didn’t know what I was doing. You are totally right, haha!


But let’s go to the actual report:

Read books:

  • Cemetery Tours series, from Jacqueline E. Smith [review here]
  • Between Worlds, from Jacqueline E. Smith [review here]
  • After Death, from Jacqueline E. Smith [review here]
  • The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty, from Anne Rice [review here]
  • Braver With You, from A. Hart [review here]
  • Roses of the Angel, from Kalee Marshall [review coming soon!]


Completed challenges:

Read a book with red or green on the cover: check, Roses of the Angel

Read about book that’s on your end of the year tbr: check, all of the read books were on my TBR of the end of the year

Read a book that takes place during the holiday season: check, Braver With You

Read a sequel: double check, Between Worlds and After Death

Re-read a favorite book: flopped…

Read a book with a movie adaptation (and watch the movie): flop

Read a total of 1,200 pages! Check, as I’ve read 1.595 pages, haha!

It wasn’t great, but it was lots of fun 😀 Can’t wait for the next one, when I’ll be wiser, haha!

That’s it 😀 Thanks for reading and accompanying my progress in my first readathon!


Shattered Blue, from Lauren Bird Horowitz (The Light Trilogy #1)

Hi, guys! In the beginning of August, I entered to NetGalley, that’s a website that provides books for professional reviewers. The first book that I received and read from there was Shattered Blue, the first in The Light Trilogy, by Lauren Bird Horowitz. Now it’s time to say what I thought of it!

(updated picture, as I now have a beautiful paperback edition <3)

Here’s the story: Noa is a girl that recently lost her older sister, Isla, and it’s trying to have a normal life without her. Noa studies on an intern school with her best friends Miles and Olivia and her younger sister, three-year-old Sasha. One of the few things that keeps Noa moving forward is her poetry. She loves to write and the words slip through her fingers to paper, translating all her feelings.

One the first day of school, Noa meets Callum, the new mysterious student. At first, Noa feels Callum very distant and hostile towards her – until their first English class together, when Noa shows how much she understands of poetry, a shared passion between her and Callum.

After many twists, Noa discovers that Callum is Fae (a fairy) and was banished from his realm to the Earth for a crime that he swears he didn’t commit. A romance is born between them and Noa finally fells that her life was coming back to normal – until Callum’s problem-brother, Judah, arrives to Earth as well.

Noa sees her life shatter again when Callum is kidnaped by a dangerous Fae Hunter and she can only count with Judah to help her saving him. But is Judah the real villain here or just an underestimated boy?

Now let’s go to the analysis! Just keep in mind that those were my thoughts and opinion while reading the book 🙂

I loved Shattered Blue. Even with some of my most hated elements present on the story (high school love triangle, juvenile love indecision, just to name a few), I still loved it, haha! I had never read a fairy book before and it was a great experience. I admit I also enjoyed this a lot because the basic plot is the same as The Vampire Diaries’ one. I feel like I’ve entered Fae’s world with the right foot, haha! 😉

In narrative matters, Horowitz was brilliant. She was able to solve one of the most difficult problems, that is loose ends where they weren’t supposed to exist. All the holes in the story clearly will be explained in some point of the trilogy. Horowitz managed this miracle by switching narrative perspectives during the book. Noa starts it, and then we have some parts from Callum and Judah later. This made me very happy while reading, because I tend to get frustrated by holes that won’t be full filed at some point, you know? All narrator characters are very describing, so the transition is very smooth. A+ for Horowitz!

The plot was nice, full of action and twists, besides the romance and a good shot of mystery, but, like I said, it reminded me very strongly of The Vampire Diaries plot. I got a bit disappointed to be able to foresee every step on the love triangle of Noa, Callum and Judah since the beginning and that this part of the book wasn’t surprising at all. Since the moment that Judah appeared on the story, I already knew I would be Team Judah and that I would want to shoot Callum at some point, haha! Even with this back down, I still got surprised by the end of the book and I can’t wait for the next one ❤ And that’s why I gave it 5 starts on Goodreads anyway. The book was able to surprise me despite many known facts and that is awesome 😀

I liked Noa very much. In the beginning, I thought I was going to hate her, but we connected through the book and now I think she’s an amazing protagonist, even when she makes mistakes. There wasn’t one time in the book that made me think “omg, what an stupid girl”. I can’t say the same for the boys, though, haha! I didn’t like nor Callum or Miles in a general way. Both seemed so artificial to me – Callum for reasons what you’d understand only reading the book, as it would contain huge spoilers if told – and Miles just because. Olivia, Sasha and aunt Sarah are wonderful characters and I loved all three of them 🙂 Noa’s parents are very real, it’s impressive. They reflect all the emotions of a couple that lost one daughter and try to get over it in the best way possible.

Noa’s poetry is really cool bonus on the book. Her poems are very well written and structured, besides truthful and soul-touching. I mean, she reached even broken Judah with her words, haha! Noa sees so much of the world, of people, but not always can transform this in words to speak her mind. Not until she writes it all down in a poem. I’m a bit partial to say so, but my favorite poem on the book was the last she wrote: Imposter. It was about Judah and so so sooo perfect! ❤

The supernatural element of the book was also fantastic. Horowitz rebuilt my notions about fairies – now Faes – that were basically Tinker Bell and Winx Club, haha! I admit that I have no reference point, as this was my first Fae book, but I really liked this and can’t wait for the next book of the trilogy 😀 And now I have to find many more with this theme, haha! If you have a good suggestion, please, leave it on the comments for me to take a look ❤

If I had to pick a strongest trait on Shattered Blue, it would be the unexpected. Even with my correct predictions about the amorous triangle, I couldn’t never tell when another twist was coming to the main plot and how things would stay after it. I loved having this experience and biting my nails until the very last page, haha! (I wish I was joking on this one, but you can see on this picture how my nail suffered from the end of this book, haha! It’s the ring finger one…)

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and I highly recommend it if you like Y&A supernatural romances and poetry. Also, I have to bow to this cover. I wish I had a high definition file of this cover to use as a phone background, honestly. It’s so pretty!!! I don’t usually judge a book by its cover, but a nice cover do make me feel loved, haha! 😉

That’s it, guys! Thanks for reading! Shattered Blue will be realeased on September 15th, in digital and paperback versions, and I can’t wait! I’m that kind of person that, if I like an ebook too much, I want a paperback version as well, haha!



Book trailer of Breach Point, by Steve Spatucci!

Hi, guys! I have some cool book news 😀 The book trailer for Steve Spatucci’s new book, Breach Point (review is here!), is finally ready! I just watched it and it’s so cool! I totally felt the book aura, haha!

Check it out:

And you can already pre-order the paperback copy of the book on Amazon here! The book will be released on August 26th (it’s close!) and I can’t wait to be able to have my own paperback copy of Breach Point on my shelf ❤

Thanks for reading and happy Sunday!


Breach Point, from Steve Spatucci

In the beginning of July, I received from author Steve Spatucci a review-only copy of his new book, Breach Point (thanks again!). I finished it last Thursday, but it was all so intense that I needed to absorb the book first, haha 😉

Me, my glasses and my ebook, from my Instagram account :)
Me, my glasses and my ebook, from my Instagram account 🙂

But let’s go to the story: Clara is a teenager that just went through a social trauma with her best friend, Jerilyn, and decided she needed a change of scenarios in the summer – she was having serious troubles with her mother as well. Clara wants to go to the engineering area at college, so she signs for a trainee summer program at a company at Breach Point, the island where her Aunt Maureen lives (just wanted to say that Aunt Maureen is a sweeting <3).

After having her phone and electronics confiscated and a calm and reflexive trip, Clara arrives at the fictional island of Breach Point and immediately feels better, free. Unfortunately, the feeling is brief, as Aunt Maureen has a serious heart condition and doesn’t seem to be so well in health matters, even that she tries to cover it with her funny and sassy personality.

As soon as Clara goes out exploring the town, she meets Nicholas, a seventeen boy with a pretty smile and a nice personality, as well as the town’s big mystery: the Breach Point Castle. The castle used to be a horror attraction of the town that burned down several years ago and nobody seems to know what happened, as it was never properly investigated. Nicholas’ uncle, Kevin, seems to have a very complicated relationship with the castle, just like his friends, as all of them worked in the castle.

Even after her trainee program start, Clara wasn’t able to forget about the castle’s mystery, always researching and digging more, having this strange need to understand what happened there, why the fire started and why people didn’t want to know it as well. Each person that she meets seems to be involved in some way in this mess – even Nicholas.

Clara would only be sure of the supernatural forces acting on the island after Aunt Maureen suffers an accident – but then, it was too late to leave everything as it was before. Clara and all the people that try to help her are now in grave danger, as a huge secret is hidden in the waters of Breach Point.

Now, let’s go to the analysis! This is only my opinion of the facts and my impressions as a reader, ok? Just a reminder 🙂

I loved this book. Its start is a bit slow, as the story is kind of first person narrated and Clara is not a self-centered character; I mean, she doesn’t think a lot about herself, her personality or even her looks. She thinks about what happens to her, in her feelings. The reader discovers her personality through her actions in the book, like practically all the other characters – Clara just is not the descriptive type, haha!

The whole mystery was very good and I only understood what was really going on nearly in the end – and this is very unusual, as I kind of study the characters as I read and tend not to be surprised by the events at all, haha! Spatucci was ingenious while maintaining the conspiracy atmosphere and the “someone is watching you” feeling. The reader gets insecure, as it’s impossible to be sure in which characters we can trust and who is lying. It reminded me a lot a Clue board game, you know? At each place that Clara went, she discovered a new clue and we had to redo the whole castle theory and it wasn’t always that the clues made sense either. It’s the kind of book that breaks your heart when it ends, but have no fear, the sequel is on its way! (and if it wasn’t, Steve would hear me online screaming with him ;D)

In narrative matters, as I commented, Clara is not a descriptive person, so I don’t even know how she looks like and I already finished the book. I presume she has long hair with a medium or high stature and pretty enough – all thanks to the events of the book, haha! This would normally bother me a lot, but it didn’t. Clara notices the island and the places on there, so it’s easy to construct the characters’ appearance by the small details that we are given. I had never read a book like this and I can’t imagine anyone doing this like Spatucci – congrats!

By the way, it was impressive how easy it was to connect with Clara, even with her very unique personality. She’s not a silly girl that only dreams and sit to wait things to happen. She goes after what she wants, doesn’t expect anyone to help her, but knows when it’s the time to go ask for it without being proud or ashamed. Definitely I won a new bookish friend, haha! And a bookish boyfriend, as Nicholas is a sweeting ❤

Now, there was some characters that I thought a bit unreal. Clara’s bosses, Shane and Theresa, were totally out of the world for me, in professional aspects. People just aren’t like that in the market. I already had incredible bosses, stupid bosses, all kinds of good and bad bosses and none of them behaved like Theresa and Shane, in this sympathetic, calm or even slow way, even more giving that they have high positions on the company. Kevin, Nicholas’ uncle, also was a bit forced too. I understand he has a difficult personality, but he always seemed the same boring and uncomfortable type even in scenes that he was supposed to be having a good time – while he didn’t know that Clara was around. It wasn’t enough to make me hate anyone, but it bothered me, haha!

Describing is for sure the strongest point of the book. Spatucci spent years working on the story for a series of reasons, so you can feel that Breach Point is real, you know? It seems like if you open an US map, you can find the island there. This care left me speechless. And it’s also a bit funny, as the characters seem to be mere ghosts in a place with its own life, haha! But in a good way 🙂 Even the supernatural element of the plot seems real and natural, it’s crazy cool!

The castle mystery also is a funny phenomenon in the book. It’s the king of deal that you know that is there, but you don’t really care. Then, things start to get really weird and, before you know it, you have this craving to understand what the hell happened in the place. Clara awakes a kind of obsession in the reader, slowly and gradually, so one day you catch yourself daydreaming with the possibilities and trying to solve the mystery even when you’re not reading! How is it possible? Hahaha!

In one of the e-mails that I exchanged with Steve, I joked that he deserved some online screaming thanks to some of the events of the end of the book, but now, way calmer and with my breath on its place, I can say he only deserve compliments.

Breach Point will be released on August 26th (don’t forget to check it out on Amazon!) and it will be available in paperback and ebook formats. I can’t wait to have my own paperback version of the book! (Anyone else here that, when reads a very good ebook, also wants to buy the paperback/hardcover version as well? o/). The book also features an extra chapter with a scene from before the fire in the castle and bonus materials telling all about the creation process of the book. It is very cool to read, Steve had so much work, haha!

That’s it, guys! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy Breach Point as much as I did! And thank you again, Steve, for allowing me to meet and read one of the best books of my 2015 list and for introducing me to the wonderful world of Breach Point ❤


Bobby Singer’s Guide to Hunting, from David Reed (Supernatural)

Hello! Today I’ll review a book I already finished last Thursday: Bobby Singer’s Guide to Hunting, from Supernatural TV Show, written by David Reed 🙂 I’m sorry I’m late with the post and promise to try to be better starting on July!

My baby <3
My baby ❤

Let’s go to the book now. I have to be honest: I stopped watching Supernatural at season 5 because life is not easy, so, I don’t have the slightest idea which season does the book complements 😦 The good news is, I didn’t have to, because the book explains later everything that happened so far (or as much as I needed to fully understand it all, haha!).

Bobby starts writing everything that he knows – or remembers – about monsters and how to kill them because he feels he’s losing his memory and is afraid to lose all his knowledge. Until the very end, we aren’t sure what is messing with his head or if he’s paranoid, so this suspense side was great 🙂 It was a differential from John Winchester’s Journal and The Supernatural Book of Monsters, Spirits, Demons, and Ghouls, that were manuals. Bobby tells us his story, how it all started for him, his life with Rufus, John, and Dean and Sam later, it was amazing ❤

I like to keep a notebook with my favorite quotes from all times and, thanks to Bobby, I have a handful of them there now, as he was so funny in general lines. But it helps when you’re a fan of the show, in this case. I could hear Jim Beaver (Bobby) reading the words aloud for me, for example, haha!

That’s it! I’m sorry for the short review, but I don’t really have much to say without huge spoilers >.< Do you like Supernatural too?


NEW BOOK ALERT: Catacomb, from Madeleine Roux

If you follow me at my Instagram account (follow me! :D), you may have notice how much I loved the Asylum series, by Madeleine Roux. I’ve read Asylum in less than three days and Sanctum, in four (I was already back to classes and work, LOL). I love those kind of books that create a psychology terror with only a touch of supernatural events.

Anyway, Catacomb is the third book of the Asylum series and it will be out in September, published by HarperTeen (I love these people so much <3).

already in love with this cover <3
already in love with this cover ❤

From the Goodreads’ description:

Sometimes the past is better off buried.

Senior year is finally over. After all they’ve been through, Dan, Abby, and Jordan are excited to take one last road trip together, and they’re just not going to think about what will happen when the summer ends. But on their way to visit Jordan’s uncle in New Orleans, the three friends notice that they are apparently being followed… And Dan starts receiving phone messages from someone he didn’t expect to hear from again—someone who died last Halloween.

As the strange occurrences escalate, Dan is forced to accept that everything that has happened to him in the past year may not be a coincidence, but fate—a fate that ties Dan to a group called the Bone Artists, who have a sinister connection with a notorious killer from the past. Now, Dan’s only hope is that he will make it out of his senior trip alive.

In this finale to the New York Times bestselling Asylum series, found photographs help tell the story of three teens who exist on the line between past and present, genius and insanity.

In other words, it can be read as “I need it right now”. If you got interested in the series, you check here the description of Asylum, The Scarlets, Sanctum and The Bone Artists:



The Scarlets

The Bone Artists

Do you guys like supernatural/terror books too?? 😀
