Miwaku Shikake – Amai Wana, from Yonezou Nekota

Hello, good night! After what it seems like forever but indeed were only two weeks, I decided to write another yaoi manga review! 😀 Who’s excited?! Yes, you! Not really, but bear with me.

I’m closer than ever of my goal of reviewing all my recent reads and I’m really excited about this! But going back to today’s target: Miwaki Shikake – Amai Wana, from Yonezou Nekota-sensei! (This title struck me as particularly odd as there is a trace connecting its parts, so I translated it on Google and the title happens to be awesome: Captivating Fascination – Sweet Trap.)

from my Instagram 😀

The Story

Amami and Hachidori are your regular workers on a high-tech firm. Hachidori is the perfect image of the hard-working and demanding sexy boss and Amani is the perfect image of the hateful employee that wants to get back at his boss for being a tyrant.

Only that they aren’t.

Amami and Hachidori have history together, a very annoying past on Amami’s point of view.

And their history is about to get deeper and even more personal when Hachidori saves Amami of being molested by another man in the middle of the street. Will Amami be able to be grateful to a man he can barely respect?

The Analysis

Just remembering that those were my impressions and opinion as a reader 🙂

I really enjoyed this title. It was short and funny, with the right amount of sexiness to it and a good dose of surprise in the plot. It could have been bigger, even for a short story and I really wanted to have seen Hachidori being a queen, but oh well. It was amusing anyway! Four stars 😀

The narrative pace was fast and mainly from Amami’s point of view. Hachidori has his moments as well, more to the end, as a way of wrapping all the events of the title. It worked for me, but the plot left room for so much more, ugh!

Yes, the plot. It was surprisingly complicated for such a short story! I can’t complain much, Nekota-sensei did a good executing job and wrapped things up, but I wanted more. #spoiled

I seriously loved the characters on this manga. Amami was so clueless that it was funny. Usually, I tend to find this type of character rather bothersome, but not this time. Also, there is an interesting fact here: Amami leads the reader to understand that he used to be molested by older boys as a kid. As a result, he is extremely homophobic. I guess I can’t really blame him, but the way Nekota-sensei cures him is the best 😉

Hachidori also were a very different type of dominant protagonist. He’s obviously a top in bed matters, but still dresses up as a woman at a gay club. It’s a shame that Nekota-sensei didn’t draw him like that, because I can’t imagine this scene to save my life, haha!

britney schewing gum

Anyway, there is a huge bonus on this title: the art*!

from left to right: Hachidori and Amami ❤
Hachidori being a diva ❤
captivating fascination sweet trap
and how they work together lol – I removed the dialogues to avoid spoilers 🙂

If you look for a quick and pleasant yaoi read, this title is totally for you!


Thanks so much for reading! ❤


*ps: I do not own the illustrations, they were found on Google, belong to Yonezou Nekota-sensei and were used with illustrative purposes only 🙂

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