This is My Genre, Tell Me Yours! #booktag

Good night, lovely people! I was going to bother you all only tomorrow morning, but as Beth, from Betwixt The Pages, so kindly reminded me three times, she tagged me on the This is My Genre, Tell Me Yours! #booktag =D If you don’t know Beth yet, you totally need to #justsaying, so go check her own post and blog here, please! She rocks all the right books and jams ❤ Beth, once again, thank you for the tag!



  • Credit Drew @ TheTattooedBookGeek as the creator of the tag, either use the created tag name graphic or create your own and link back to the blog;
  • Answer the questions;
  • Tag as many people as you want!


  1. What’s your favourite genre?

I’d say romance, but that’s a lie. I could say historical romance, but that is also not right. The truth is I’m picky with both, so I’ll just stick with the universal truth: gay romance. If we’re talking about a good and sugared gay romance, then I’m in heaven.

katy perry happy satisfied

  1. Who’s your favourite author from the genre?

I hate when I have to choose among my children, but if for some monstrous reason I got stuck reading the same author forever and ever, it would be Ava March. She’s my goddess on earth and she knows it. Or at least she should, as I’ve been bothering her by messages on Goodreads and e-mails since I was 17 – I’m 22 today, so the math proves how much patience Ava has with me, haha! Seriously, ALL HER BOOKS ROCK. I should know, as I have read them all. #psychotic #Ilovetoohard #sorrynotsorry


  1. What is it about the genre that keeps pulling you back?

This question actually needs to be answered in three parts, if you all don’t mind lol Dear Annelise, of course we mind! Do you think we don’t have anything better to do than to read your babbles?

hannah montana miley cyrus true

Sorry, I’m still answering it on three parts, please bear with me ❤

Part I: Historical Romance

Since I was a child, I’m a sucker for historical romances, especially the ones set in London, 19th century. At first, I only knew the heterosexual romance world – which I love dealy to this day – and what keeps pulling me back to it is to be able to see how you can find ways to rebel even when society is against you. To see how people behaved and how difficult everything was back then – can you imagine being hungry and not knowing how to turn on your own stove to bake yourself something? I honestly can’t and that’s why I keep coming back to this genre. I love to see how people were able to live and be happy with way less. How much simpler things were. If they had good toilets and tampons, I’d totally go back in time!


Part II: Gay Romance

I have such a fondness for LGBT love in general because I feel this is the last true social barrier for a relationship to actually work. If I’m reading contemporary romances and it is all about the couple getting together with some insecurity drama to it, I just don’t feel like reading it. I don’t see a valid problem, you know? But a LGBT couple has yet to deal with a lot of shit from society – many times, from their own homes. This sense of forbidden love makes me pin harder for them, in hopes that, one day, those labels won’t matter anyone and love can be truly free.


Part III: Historical Gay Romances

After Greeks and Romans turned into History [haha], pretty much all relationships posed challenges. The taboo levels varied according to the times, but no couple was safe – I hope you are seeing a pattern here, haha! On the 19th century, people loved to think they were oh-so-civilized and modern, but relationships were still very complicated. Nobles and servants together? Nope. Peasants and nobles? Nope. Royalty and beggars? NOPE. Birth itself was a barrier and there were serious punishment for marrying off your social position. Now, imagine the taboo levels for two men in love with each other when they can barely choose the women to hold their hearts? I FAINTED.


  1. What’s the book that started your love for your favourite genre?

gravitationI’ve been a book lover from the crib, with no particular trigger to my adoration. However, what truly awakened the gay romance lover in me wasn’t a book, but a manga series called Gravitation, by Maki Murakami. To be honest, it isn’t even that good, but I didn’t know it was a gay romance when I first bought it and started to read it. I was 13, I think, and totally ignored the big +18 on manga covers since I was 8, so you can imagine my face-fall as I reached volume 2 and the male protagonists had sex. I wish I could have a gif of that moment, it was priceless, haha! I already had a soft spot for beautiful bffs males, so the thing just naturally evolved and officially got out of control as I entered college and met J. L. Langley’s books. Life as I knew back then was over, hahaha!

goodreads icon

5. If you had to recommend at least one book from your favourite genre to a non-reader/someone looking to start reading that genre, what book would you choose and why?

Actually, I have already been there with Jess, from the Mud and Stars! If you want to immerse yourselves on the wonders of historical gay romance, I must recommend you All In With The Duke, from the goddess Ava March! It’s simply the best historical romance of my life. I hope this is reasoning enough, but in case it isn’t… Here’s my review for it!

all in with the duke
I miss my pretty Instagram pictures #justsaying


  1. Why do you read?

Why do I breathe? Why do I eat? Why do I sleep? All those questions have the same answer: despite being highly enjoyable, I NEED TO DO IT, LMAO. Books are my safe heaven, the hobby I hop on when I’m tired, bored, happy, sad, excited, hopeful, in need of a hug… Books are my life. I actually own more books than clothes and shoes put together, haha! (Just to clarify: I’m only talking about physical books. Don’t even get me started on the digital shelves, haha!)

nothing smells like that book lover.gif

George R. R. Martin definitely rubbed on me, I can’t even make a tag post something short… Sorry, guys! For this one, I’ll tag…

Amanda, from the Cover2CoverMom

Jess, from the Mud and Stars

Because I’m really sure they are ok with tags, but anyone is welcome to do it! You can even say I tagged you on your post =D Jess and Amanda, please don’t feel obligated to do this if you don’t feel like it ❤

I guess that’s it, people! Hope you found this post where I just talk about my royal panda self all the time interesting ❤ What is your favorite genre?

With love,


One Lovely Blog Award <3

Hi, there! I know I said tags would be mostly on Saturdays, but there are so many tags for me to catch up that I decided to pick up the pace for now, haha!

My lovely friend Aetheristrux, from The Amazing Life of a Bookworm, nominated me for the One Lovely Blog Award and I can’t thank enough for it! So, thank you, Aetheristrux! ❤


Those are the rules:

You must thank the person who nominated you and include a link to their blog. (thanks again!)

You must list the rules and display the award.

You must add 7 facts about yourself.

You must nominate 10 – 15 or so other bloggers

Seven facts about me

  2. My favorite book genre is historical romances (if you add a “gay” in front of it, more the better!), but I also love adventure and fantasy books 🙂
  3. I’m thinking of starting a new religion on bookstagram that allows and encourages women to have several husbands, as I mentally date at least one guy from each book that I read, haha!
  4. My favorite tv series from all-time is White Collar, which SHOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN ENDED
  5. I’m always listening to music, always. I have more life soundtracks for book characters than for myself (as I never do anything interesting, LMAO)
  6. One of the most relaxing activities for me is to float in that part of the ocean where the waves break only occasionally
  7. I’ve been reading mangas since I’m 8 and Chobits was my first! (I talked more about this title here)

Nominated blogs:

I already saw lots of blogs that did this tag, so I’m going to mention here some lovely blogs that I follow ❤ If you were tagged and don’t want to do this or already did, it’s okay 😀 I just wanted you to know that I find your blog to be very lovely!

  1. Jeany, from JeanyJanez
  2. Audrey, from Forwards and Bookwords
  3. Jess, from The Mud And Stars Book Blog
  4. Kimsiang, from The Spines Breaker
  5. Nicole, from Away in Neverland
  6. Jenna, from Jenacide by Bibliophile
  7. Shannon, from For the Love of Words
  8. Bianca , from The Ultimate Fangirl
  9. Ashleigh, from Miss Book Dependent
  10. Victoria, from Addlepates and Book Nerds


That’s it! Thank you again, Aetheristrux! Your blog is also lovely! And thanks for reading 😀
