Top 10 Tuesday: Most Intimidating Books

Hello, there! Welcome to another rebellious Top 10 Tuesday, haha! This meme is hosted by The Broke and The Bookish and my theme today is Most Intimidating Books and I made a point to choose only titles that are on my TBR. It’s my way to make life interesting, haha!

  1. The Passage


Seriously, this is huge.

  1. Game of Thrones series


Big and tough.

  1. The Narnia Chronicles


I have the complete edition, it is heavy.

  1. Outlander series


Honestly, you can kill someone just by throwing one of those on the person.

  1. The Book of Love, by Kathleen McGowan


I read the first one when I was a teenie, so it took me AGES to finish it. Now I feel intimidated by the second volume, that is even bigger, haha!

  1. A Discovery of Witches


So. Freaking. Big. Can you tell that I have a problem with physically big books? Hahaha

  1. Grey


It is bigger than I expected and I feel lazy just by looking at it. Still want to read it, but oh God.

  1. The Supernatural series companion guide


This baby goes until Season 10 and it is beautiful, heavy and bulky. I can’t wait to read it, I can’t think of reading it. I’m a mess.

  1. The Lord of the Rings series


I also have the complete edition for this one and omg, how I regret it as a reader. As a collector, I find it beautiful and precious. I’ve read the first one last year and have been slacking around to keep going because THIS BOOK IS HUGE! Seriously, I’m the worst.

  1. The Longest Ride


Yes, you have read correctly. I don’t know what to expect from a Nicholas Sparks book, as I have never read any. Let’s see how this goes…

Anyway, thank you for reading! Do you find any of these titles intimidating as well? 😀


A reflection upon Life and Death (calm down, it’s just Twilight Reimagined)

Hello, there! I hope everybody is hanging there on this Tuesday 🙂

A friend just told me about the release of Stephenie Meyer’s new book, Life and Death (Twlight Reimagined), that is today and international.

Cover of the new book, from Goodreads
Cover of the new book, from Goodreads

But, before making any more comments, I would like to tell a story.

I read Twilight when I was in elementary school, a year after the release, as it had just arrived to my country. Back then, at Brazil, no one knew about Twilight, it wasn’t a thing yet. I got crazy with the book, loved it very much and all, became a real fan. My love and worship lasted well and survived the release of the movie (I’m sorry if you guys liked it, but I hated it), as I loved Robert Pattinson, Anna Kendrick and Ashley Greene in their roles (I also liked the actor that played Carslile, but I forgot his name).

All was well, I reached Breaking Dawn and read it. Then, I saw something was wrong, as I hated the book and only had fun on the final chapters, thanks to the battle. What had happened? I loved the series (excluding New Moon, I never liked that book), I loved Edward, I had millions of posters, magazines, notebooks, mugs… And yet, now it was just boring. Then I realized that I had grown up. Not in the sense that “I’m too old for this shitty vampires”, I don’t believe in this crap – you’re never too old to like something. But Stephenie’s vampires didn’t serve me anymore. I had grown up as a person, my tastes had changed. And the movies were so bad (I’m sorry again if you like them) that they made me hate the whole series. Then I started cleaning my room and throw out lots of itens Twilight themed, there’s not much left nowadays. I kept my books and then I realized I just liked Twilight, the first book, all along. I never liked the others – I was happy to read Jake’s perspective of facts here and there, but it didn’t changed the bad story that Twilight became for me. If you ask me, Twilight is a 4 starts book as a standalone to this day.

Here it ends my story with the series. Thank you for indulging me and now I’ll comment Stephenie’s new book.

I wasn’t maddly in love about the cover, but I’ve seen worse. Meyer’s intentions with this book were to show that Bella wasn’t a damsel in distress, that she was a human in distress, caught up in the middle of a battle between super heros and villains, as you can read on the excerpt from Entertainment Weekly:

“Meyer explains in her foreword to the anniversary edition of the novel that she decided to go with the gender bending to underscore her position that Bella isn’t a “damsel in distress” as certain critics have charged. Rather, the author insists, the character is a “human in distress,” or as Meyer calls her, “a normal human being surrounded on all sides by people who are basically superheroes and supervillains.” Meyer also takes issue with the criticism that Bella was “too consumed with her love interest, as if that’s somehow just a girl thing.” The author mentions, too, that Beau is “more OCD” than Bella was and that he’s “totally missing the chip Bella carries around on her shoulder all the time.”

Meyer says writing the piece was “fun, but also really fast and easy.” According to the foreword, the rewrite allowed her to correct some errors that always bothered her and to re-edit the piece for grammar and word choice issues. She also altered some elements of the mythology for consistency.”

If you ask me, this is not a good way to put critics on their places. Damn, your book sold hard and still does, why wasting time on haters? Meyer doesn’t help her case by releasing a new version of her best seller on it’s 10th birthday. Critics now can say that she really has no imagination as a writer to do this. I will read it, because I own this to my twelve year old self that screamed when heard about the movie that they were making for Twilight and I own this to Meyer as a book blogger that writes honest and fair reviews, but I’m so depressed. I wish with all my being that Stephenie got over the Midnight Sun inciddent and just finished the damn thing. It would have been (for what I read at the time) a way better book series and, as E. L. James did with Grey, we could understand why in hell a man like Edward took interest in a girl like Bella.

Crying tears of blood, I promise a review for this in 2015, after college is over and I’m graduated. I hated evey single thing about this retelling so far (especially Edward’s female name, sorry) and I keep my opinion from my rehab times from the series: why couldn’t Edward fall in love with Jake? They would have been the perfect couple.

That’s it on the release, thanks for reading. What are your feelings on this book?


June Book Haul!

Hello, everyone! I had to do a post here about my June book haul, as I went a little crazy this month… I bought 15 books, OMG! Hahaha!

Anyway, those are the new kids in town:

. Paris Secrets, from Zoé de las Cases

IMG_4065 A beautiful coloring book that stole my heart ❤ I already did some of the coloring, check it out:


. The Little Prince, from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

IMG_4074This edition has a beautiful hard cover and features an illustrated biography of the author, it’s awesome ❤

. Deu no New York Times – Larry Rohter

IMG_4073This is a Brazilian journalistic book, gift from my bff @jenny.miers. It’s an analysis of how Brazil is viewed by outsiders, very cool. Thanks again for the gift, by the way 😀

. The Burning Bridge (Ranger’s Apprentice #2) – John Flanagan

IMG_4072I just finished reading The Ruins of Gorlan (Ranger’s Apprentice #1, review here!) and I fell madly in love with it. I had to get myself the next one, haha!

. The Heir (The Selection series #4) – Kiera Cass

my baby <3
my baby ❤

As a good fan of The Selection, I couldn’t resist to this beautiful hard cover Brazilian edition (even though my whole collection is in English and that I want to read The Heir in English as well xD)

. The Scarlets (The Asylum series #1.5) – Madeleine Roux

IMG_4071I went mad reading Asylum and Sanctum earlier this year and Catacomb, the third book in the series, won’t be out until September, so I have to hold my fire for now with the spin offs, haha!

. Austenland – Shannon Hale

my baby with one of my favorite necklaces <3
my baby with one of my favorite necklaces ❤

This book has a funny story. I bought the second volume of the collection by accident (from the series saw the cover and bought it), but I didn’t have read the first and I’m very methodic. So, as soon as I could, I purchased this and started reading it (it was before my book jar-box thing xD). You can see my full review here!

Ps: here’s the next book, that started all of this:


. Pokémon Official Guide to Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby

IMG_4068I’m still trying to be the greatest Pokémon Master since the 150 first ones, so I felt I needed this to keep going on my mission, haha!

. Grey – E. L. James

IMG_4070This one I have to admit that I’m VERY curious to read. I’ve read Fifty Shades of Gray to do a book report for my college and I hated the main character. I always caught myself wondering what Christian would be thinking to fall for someone so obnoxious. Now, I will find out, haha!

. The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty – Anne Rice

IMG_3387I’m a great fan of Anne Rice’s works, but I only learned about this book recently (like two or three years ago, when the whole fairy tale gone bad thing exploded). I LOVE fairy tale gone bad books and I think Rice’s will be a blast, once she is the master of the supernatural world ❤ You can check here more reasons to read it, haha!

. Great Women Writers Box

IMG_3348Another funny story, haha! I love to sign up for newsletters and, while checking one of them, from a local bookstore, I saw this beautiful box set with four books inside for an awesome price. Bought it in the act, haha! We have Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and Persuasion, Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women and Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights 😀

IMG_3349IMG_3350 IMG_3351 IMG_3352

. Emma – Jane Austen

IMG_4075I am full of funny book stories this month, haha! My book jar-box told me that I would be reading Emma after I finished Ranger’s Apprentice #1. The thing was I only had it on a beautiful large and not at all logistic edition of the complete works of Jane Austen. My dad, seeing my distress in the first day reading the book, took me to the bookstore and told me to look for an edition of Emma that I could read, LOL. I love my dad ❤

Ps: this was the other edition:


That’s it, guys! This was my June book haul, thanks for reading! Which books did you buy this month? 😀
